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Partnering with our Nazarene Schools in Africa

Over the past couple of years, we have partnered with several Nazarene Schools in Africa. This partnering includes providing online learning technology, training online instructors, and developing institutional websites. (

This week, another Introduction to Online Teaching class ended for new instructors who will teach for NBC and a number other schools. Dr. Winnie Nhlengethwa, Rector & Principal (Nazarene College of Nursing) for the Nazarene Higher Education Consortium in Swaziland, participated in the class and said, "I appreciate the literature that was made available through this course and now I can safely say my attitude has been changed and I appreciate what I have learned and I am in a position to lead NAHEC in the right direction. I cannot stop talking about its usefulness to my colleagues even at national level. I would plead with NBC to help us begin implementing some of our courses online. I think this is what would improve the ministry in Swaziland and making it to excel in quality."

Dr. Nhlengethwa doesn't need to worry as NBC stands ready and willing to help in any way possible. We hope that NBC's impact on NAHEC's schools in Swaziland will be as healthy as it has been with NTC in South Africa. The principal of Nazarene Theological College in South Africa, Rev. Mashangu Maluleka, expresses it this way, "Before our partnership with Nazarene Bible College, Nazarene Theological College was a person who wanted to go to the USA without a Visa, or driver who wanted to drive to the next city but had no gas. By sharing their online infrastructure and their electronic library with NTC, NBC provided a visa and gas to help us to be in a position to offer education and training beyond man made borders."

The newly appointed Africa Regional Director, Dr. Filamao Chambo, summarized the partnership between Nazarene Bible College and Africa by saying, "This partnership is helping the Africa Church by equipping men and women to minister in a world that desperately needs to come to faith in Jesus Christ."

God has blessed Nazarene Bible College and we will continue to share our blessings with others.

Published: 09/18/2009

Archived Entries