Student Video Projects are a Blessing
This week, Nazarene Bible College has been blessed with some especially poignant student video projects. Throughout the school year, online distance students from across the globe send lovingly crafted videos for their classes. Dare I call them artwork? It is a privilege to encode these motivational videos, and every video is special, but the projects this week have been especially moving. Students have poured their hearts into topics such as tragedies, grace, being Holy, and following the Lord who “…washed us from our sins in his own blood.” (Rev. 1:5, KJV).
At NBC, we take these submissions and carefully encode them into a multi-stream format, then post them to the appropriate Online Education course. While encoding, we are often inspired and uplifted by the content, as we get to share in the student’s vision, in his or her masterpiece. It might seem that encoding a stack of video projects might sometimes be a chore. However, nothing could be further from the truth. The reason is the content, the incredible content.
Sometimes the subject is fundamental, perhaps for a public speaking class, like how to make a cake or how to teach a song to a group. Even for these videos, the sincerity and the enthusiasm of students are apparent. As students refine their speaking skills throughout their time at NBC, and especially when video subjects are spiritual or emotional, projects can easily transcend their classroom purpose and become an expression of devotion. These videos are a blessing to those who hear them. What better way to enliven a class than a moving oratory? In an online classroom, the student projects do just this.
Students’ oratorical improvement often culminates near graduation. This is apparent, for example, in the Oke Bible Reading and the Graduate Chapel. This is just one facet of their NBC education that students tell us is a life-long blessing in their endeavors to glorify Christ.
Published: 05/28/2010
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