Leaps and Bounds Taken with Recent Encoding Station Upgrades
Yes, we realize we just informed you guys about our recent encoding station upgrades, but within this last month we've had to move on to bigger, better, and more importantly newer things! Our old encoding stations were great but the technology was actually quite old. A few weeks ago, one of the encoding cards failed. We tried to find a replacement but that card has been out of production so long, there were no new or used ones available, and yes, we did try eBay. We also tried newer encoding cards but they simply wouldn't work in our old stations. To make a long and time consuming story short, we acquired some great new technology that will not only facilitate stream lined processes and rapid implementation, but the finished project will look better than ever.
To give you a brief glimpse on what has visually changed... Take a moment to recall the blog entitled: Where the Magic Happens, the main picture showed four large sized computer terminals aligned next to a tall and slender rack. Recently, they've been replaced with four smaller compact units that accommodate the space in the rack far more efficiently. With the more economical use of space, we have a magnitude of new opportunities to focus on whatever task may be at hand! To put it simply, the school has found yet another opportunity to maximize our communal work area allowing us to serve you better. :)
Just to allay any concerns, we can still encode the many different types of videos that are sent in, but there's nothing wrong with having higher quality producing machines! Nazarene Bible College fulfills a core portion of its mission to staff and students every single time we take a step forward in providing the most up to date technological resources to its learning community. We at NBC feel that not only is this a high-tech, fundamentally better system for students and staff, but the change also provides for a much more aesthetically pleasing environment. Although students may not have noticed changes with their uploaded student videos, our persistence working on this long but exciting upgrade is now complete. Also, rest assured that you won't have to read another technology upgrade blog for the foreseeable future. However, at NBC, making things better is not only our mission but also our passion, and we always want you to feel up-to-date on the current news and happenings here.
Published: 10/29/2010
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