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Archived Entries

Christian Education a Blast from the Past


Do you ever stumble across something and not knowing what it is, you feel compelled to investigate? This week, I came across some old news articles dating back to 1964. To my surprise within these articles contained the start of NBC our beloved and very own Christian college. Articles like, Groundbreaking, Nazarene Bible College Dedication, and Nazarene Bible College Holds First Graduation Service.

More than 200 persons showed up for the groundbreaking ceremony where President Charles H. Strickland read scriptures and Dr. G.B. Williamson, one of the general superintendents turned the first shovelful of dirt. This was an exciting time for these men and women. Some thought this day would never come, but the dream of building such a great Wesleyan Christian college finally began to take shape.

In 1968, a group of over 350 people joined the formal dedication of Nazarene Bible College. The day was finally here where they could look back and say phase one was complete. The first three buildings were erected and there was no end in sight. The school was in its second year of operation and the enrollment was quickly spreading like wild fire.

The first graduating class was the "pioneer", a graduating class of 70 students. The students began their adventure in the fall of 1967 at the old First Church downtown and later moved on campus upon the formal dedication in 1968. The speaker for the Baccalaureate service was President Dr. C. H. Strickland, his powerful sermon was on "A Lesson From the Master".

There were tons of aged articles that filled my heart with emotions of happiness and thankfulness that NBC is still here today. These men and women believed in making a difference in people's lives with the grace of God. Today our passion for our students is still the same. With God's help, we believe that we can impact our students' lives for the greater good and send them off to preach the word of God and minister to the world.

Published: 02/24/2012

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