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Keeping College Affordable


We are pleased to announce that tuition costs for courses taken at Nazarene Bible College will remain the same for the 2012-2013 school year as they were for 2011-2012. The administration and Board of Trustees believe that keeping tuition costs low makes it possible for more for more students to fulfill their call to full-time Christian service by preparing at NBC.

In addition to keeping tuition low, we are adding the following electives online for the 2012-2013 school year.

Principles of Public Speaking – 12 week version

This course fulfills the general studies requirement like the six-week course, but provides students with more time to develop their public speaking skills in a 12 week course.

Oral Interpretation

This course is designed to enhance the student's public reading of Scripture by developing expressive reading skills that deepen understanding, stimulate imagination and quicken the emotional response of the reader and listener.

Christian Preaching III

This is a preaching lab course emphasizing on preparing expository sermons from both the Old and New Testament with an emphasis on preaching scriptural holiness.

New Testament Greek for Biblical Study

This is an introduction to the Greek language of the New Testament with the purpose of enabling students to engage in serious biblical study through the use of Greek language resources.

If you are interested in these new electives, please contact your student advisor today.

Published: 05/18/2012

Archived Entries