And a Good Time it Was
There was excitement in the air when we received an email that we were going to do the birthday bash again. Friday was an exceptional day for having a picnic outside under the red oak tree. It was a perfect day for everyone to gathered in celebration of all the co-workers' birthdays for May, June, and July.
We started off by blessing the food that was provided and then thanking the people that helped organize the event. Oliverites prepared a wonderful course of beef brisket, pork, corn on the cob and many delicious sides. For dessert, we enjoyed ice cream with all the toppings.
After everyone was indulged with great food and dessert, Mr. Mike Arrambide Vice President for Finance began to call out names of individuals who had birthdays in recent months and birthdays that are coming up. Each individual received a gift card, a map of downtown, a few facts, and a funny story behind their birth date.
Afterwards, everyone pitched in to clean up and lend a helping hand to get everything back in order. It was a wonderful time for getting together and enjoying the beautiful weather with all the administration, faculty and staff on campus.
Published: 06/22/2012
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