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Nazarene Bible College Attains Student Record

A view into the classrooom

Nazarene Bible College announced the number of new students beginning degree programs at the college this academic year was the largest in more than 15 years.

During the four terms of fall, winter, spring, and summer, 258 individuals began taking classes that will lead them to one of the degrees offered by NBC. Pastoral ministries and pastoral leadership continue to be the two majors with the highest number of students enrolled.

The college stressed increased enrollment as its number one priority during the 2013-2014 academic year. The college also worked to highlight the unity of the entire student body, whether individuals study on campus, online, or utilizing a hybrid plan using both means of course delivery. A total of 1,314 individuals took one or more classes from NBC during the 2013-2014 academic year.

As a part of its administrative reorganization, the Enrollment Management Department now includes the offices of admissions, academic advising, and student development. Thirteen individuals work on the various aspects of student recruitment and other department functions. David Church will assume the role of vice president for Enrollment Management on July 1. Church follows Laurel Matson, who served the college for 13 years and retires after 49 years of ministry in the Church of the Nazarene.

To learn more about NBC, visit the college's Facebook page at or the NBC News and Events column on the NBC website at

Published: 06/30/2014

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