A course dealing with principles of psychological and biblical counseling, providing ministry to the physically, spiritually, and emotionally ill. This study is integrated with other more traditional aspects of pastoral care. Self-understanding and listening skills are emphasized, as well as religious resources and exercises such as Scripture, prayer, and openness and obedience to the inner direction of the Holy Spirit.
The following learning objectives will be achieved by this course:
- Become familiar with materials and resources effective in a variety of counseling settings (pre-marital, marriage, and personal counseling).
- Gain an awareness of the counselor's understanding of himself/herself in the process of counseling.
- Gain awareness of the "danger signals" in counseling relationships.
- Learn to assess needs, recognize one's limitations, and access referral resources.
The following are Competencies for Ministry as outlined in the Sourcebook on Ordination USA that will be addressed in this course:
- CP6 Ability to provide pastoral and spiritual care for individuals and families, discerning when referral to professional counseling is required.
- CP16 Ability to assess contemporary approaches to ministry in light of enduring theological and contextual perspectives.
- CH8 Ability to practice holistic stewardship (mutual submission in gender relationships, sexual purity, marriage and family, personal finance, professional conduct, practicing Sabbath, etc.).