The following learning objectives will be achieved by this course:
- Gain understanding and perspective about the role of Christian ministry.
- The ability to develop a philosophy of ministry that will enable an individual to gauge his/her effectiveness in ministry.
- Ability to prepare and lead worship that is biblically sound, contextually correct and culturally sensitive.
- Gain understanding and confidence in conducting Christian rituals.
- To help build basic skills for ministry in the 21st Century.
- To encourage the student minister to strengthen his/her personal relationship with Christ, especially in the areas of personal spiritual disciplines.
- To reinforce the importance of your personal God-given call to ministry.
The following are Competencies for Ministry as outlined in the Sourcebook on Ordination USA that will be addressed in this course:
- CN14 Ability to identify the directives of the Manual of the Church of the Nazarene that pertain to the organization and ministry of the local, district, and general church.
- CP2 Ability to oversee ministry using management skills including servant leadership, conflict resolution, administration, and team building.
- CP11 Ability to envision, order, and participate in contextualized theologically founded worship and to develop and lead appropriate services for special occasions (i.e. wedding, funeral, baptism, and Lord’s supper.)
- CP19 Ability to prepare and lead a music ministry that is biblically sound, utilizing appropriate techniques and skills demonstrating cultural sensitivity.
- CP20. Ability to assess contemporary approaches to church music in light of enduring theological and contextual perspectives.
- CH1 Ability to apply theological and philosophical ethics to nurture faithful living in the Christian community
- CH3 Ability to practice a moral pastoral leadership, informed by philosophical and theological ethics.
- CH6 Ability to articulate his or her call from God to ministry as affirmed by the Church.
- CH7 Ability to demonstrate a realistic self-understanding including personal strengths, gifts, weaknesses, and areas of needed growth.
- CH8 Ability to practice holistic stewardship (mutual submission in gender relationships, sexual purity, marriage and family, personal finance, professional conduct, practicing Sabbath, etc.).