Free Podcast Subscriptions
So, what are podcasts? Think of podcasts as an online radio or T.V. show. A podcast is a set of downloadable audio or video episodes that can be played however you want—on your PC, using your MP3 player, or with just a web browser. Our podcasts contain audio or video from our weekly chapel services. Nevertheless, podcasts can be radio shows, music, individual's opinions, and other types of audio or video entertainment. You can listen to these episodes one at a time or subscribe to an entire podcast series using software on your PC.
When you subscribe to a podcast, all new shows will be automatically downloaded to your computer as they become available. And if you have an MP3 player, you can automatically have these podcasts downloaded for listening on the go. Using podcasts you can listen to NBC chapel services while you're working out at the gym or during your daily commute. Podcasts allow you to choose what you want to listen to or watch, and take it with you for your convenience.
As a service to you, we have provided streaming videos of most of our chapel services since September of 2000, and as of August of 2005, we have added both audio and video podcasts.
Podcast Directories
Table providing one-click subscriptions to video and audio podcasts. Provider, platform, link to audio and link to video media.
Provider |
Platform |
Audio |
Video |
Windows, Mac, Linux, Mobile Devices |