NBC Enrollment Management Team
Transcript Evaluation - A New Initiative Offered to Our Districts
The NBC Enrollment Management team is hard at work providing resources for those called by God to serve Him. The team has developed a plan to work with districts and individual churches. NBC has begun a new initiative called “Transcript Evaluation.” This program is a partnership between NBC Admissions and individual districts.
The ministry candidates will apply to NBC and have sent to NBC all of their transcripts of courses they have taken. The NBC Registrar will then evaluate the transcripts and send back to the district an audit sheet of courses taken for the student’s course of study.
This new service can help the districts in several ways. First, NBC’s Registrar is an expert in transcripts and has access to many course catalogs that would permit a more detailed and effective transcript evaluation.
Second, this would give more uniformity within the district and between other districts as it pertains to the completion of the educational requirements.
Third, with NBC helping the district process some of the educational administrative work, the district has more time to engage with the candidate.
Finally, to every ministry candidate who applies, NBC will give one free course towards his or her ordination.
Over half of the 78 USA & Canada districts have agreed to partner with NBC for this service. NBC wants to work with the districts to make this entire process easier for them and their candidates.
Published: 02/14/2018
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