
Mutual Delight - Him in you, you in Him
Mutual Delight - Him in you, you in Him

God's Delight

We live in a world that is increasingly changing. Technology is charging forward towards the unknown with the latest AI platform that has programs, so humans don’t have to think or know how to write. It is a troubled world with constant talk of wars and rumors of wars. If the news isn’t about the latest war, it is about the latest shooting. That is probably the reason for my last month’s devotional about the no-fret formula. Found in Psalm 37 it says: Trust, Delight, Commit, and rest= no fretting (worrying). I particularly zeroed in on the word delight. This word delight has been in my thinking and praying. The word delight is mentioned in the Bible about 50 times, so I have some studying ahead of me.  Recently I read Jeremiah 9:24. This verse clearly states the dos and don’ts of delight.

I am not a Bible scholar, but I do know that Jeremiah was also called the weeping prophet. He was the prophet spreading the warning of the death and destruction that was coming to Jerusalem and Judah because of their sin. Talk about a changing and scary world, Jeremiah was preaching about it and living it. In chapter nine, after writing twenty-two verses about wailing, death, and destruction he writes in verses 23-24:

“Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, Let not the mighty man glory in his might, Nor let the rich man glory in his riches; But let him who glories glory in this, That he understands and knows me, That I am the Lord exercising loving kindness, judgment, and righteousness in the earth. For in these I delight, says the Lord.” (NKJV).

The verse tells us what not to glory or delight in: Not wisdom, not physical strength, and not riches. To say another way, don’t be proud that you are smart, strong, or rich. The question then is, “What should we glory in?”

If I am to glory in something it is to glory that I understand and know Him. While I don’t pretend to understand God, I can know him and grow in understanding. I have been married over fifty years now. When we were first married I hardly knew him and I sure didn’t understand him.

In the last fifty years I have learned many things about my husband. I know what he likes and dislikes. I have learned what makes him happy and the things that bring him sorrow. I can sense how he feels about things when we’re facing a difficult situation. However, there are still some areas that I just don’t understand my husband. It is like that with God.     

In my daily walk with God, He teaches me who He is.  I learn to understand His character and the way He interacts with humanity. When I was a new Christian, my life was changed, but it was just the beginning. I didn’t understand very much. My understanding has grown through the years.

I have watched God’s footprints and seen Him showing loving kindness, judgment, and righteousness. The love, patience, and protection that God has shown me in my life is something to glory in. God has been faithful to work not only in my life, but in the lives of my children and those I love and pray for.

When prayer is answered, a crisis finished, a trial overcome I understand God. I know about His likes and dislikes. I have learned what makes him happy and what brings Him sorrow. I can sense how He feels when I’m facing a difficult situation. I am sometimes filled with the wonder of knowing God and seeing Him work in my life. It is a lifelong walk that leads to understanding.

In this crazy world of ours I must Trust, Delight, Commit, and Rest to keep the worry away. I want to always remember to delight in His goodness and mercy in my life. I want to thank Him for His faithfulness and love. I want to understand God and His character. I cannot glory in my wisdom, or my strength, and certainly not in my riches. While It is important for me to delight in the Lord, it is more important that He delights in me. “…He who glories, let him glory in the Lord” (1 Cor.1:31 NKJV).

Dr. Sandy L. Palm

God's Delight

Recorded: Wednesday, April 19th, 2023 (Morning Service)

Dr. Sandra L. Palm, NBC faculty, Director General Education Core Program

Published: 06/09/2023

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