

Cyber Security Awareness

Know the Basics

You spend hours every day online. You can check the weather, get the latest news, pay your bills, change your insurance, read a book, and watch the game on the little computer you carry in your pocket.  

The internet has become a normal part of life. Is your cyber security keeping up with your online activity?


Biggest Danger

What are the biggest cyber security dangers to an institution?

Everyone who works there . . . and everyone who doesn’t.


How Do We Stay Safe?

Start with some knowledge, add a bit of effort, and be sure to communicate! Here are a few tips:

  1. Keep it Current. If you have a device – computer, phone, tablet – connected to the internet, it needs to stay up-to-date.
  2. Make it Unique. What is a strong password? One that includes letters, numbers, and symbols. One that is at least 12 characters long. One that is unique! (Don’t use the same password for different accounts.)
  3. Think it Through. Did you get an email or text you didn’t expect – either because you don’t recognize the sender or because the content seems unusual for the sender? Don’t interact! Don’t click.
  4. Connect it Safely. Be careful about what you do on public WiFi. Public networks are not secure, making it easier for others to see what you are doing on your device. Don’t use those networks for things like email and finances.

Published: 01/18/2024

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