
NBC Educational Journey
NBC Educational Journey

NBC Education Impacts Lives

For the July/August edition of Holiness Today, the editor is looking for a few brief (about 250-300 word) testimonials about the impact of Nazarene higher education on the lives of students and alumni.

Holiness Today hopes to choose two to three current students and two to three alumni testimonies describing their time at a Nazarene university and how this experience has impacted (or is currently impacting) their calling and relationship with God.

Students, if you are interested, submit your testimony by providing:

  1. Your name, your major at NBC and years attended.
  2. About 250-300 words about how God used your education journey at NBC to transform you and to clarify your calling, and how that transformation is impacting what you do now.

Holiness Today will pay $25 for essays that are chosen, and need your submissions received by April 15, 2019. Please send them to Leslie Capps ( at NBC.

Published: 04/01/2019

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