Student Chat - Rev. Daryl Blank
Daryl Blank, a student of NBC, has been published in the July/August 2019 issue of Holiness Today with his education testimony. As the lead pastor of Springdale Church of the Nazarene in Cincinnati, Ohio, he continues with educational studies. The majority of NBC students (700 - 800 students a semester) are presently in ministry while they study. Here is Rev. Blank’s testimony:
I began classes at NBC with a desire to be a more effective pastor and leader. I am taking classes for a Leadership and Ethics degree. To say that the studies and classes have been helpful is an understatement. I have found each class relates to issues that I am dealing with on a regular basis. The instructors’ input and class interaction have often been used by God to speak to the current situations of my church. The classes are relevant, timely, and personally rewarding for me. NBC has enriched my ministry and personal life.
Daryl Blank, Lead Pastor Springdale Church of the Nazarene
Published: 07/15/2019
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