

Studying from an Unlikely Place

Some individuals just stand out. One wonders, how do they do what they do? David DeVee is an NBC current student that makes all who know him, wonder what it is like studying, while on active military duty.

Let’s face it. Getting a college degree is not an easy task. Most NBC students are working full-time while they study, and that is admirable. However, Mr. DeVee’s situation is beyond the ordinary and is downright exemplary. He serves our nation in a country far away. Between moments of challenging days, he finds time to study and to get his assignments completed.

Dr. John Scott, David’s preaching class professor, said of him, “I remember him preaching while on deployment. Sometimes he had difficulty with assignment deadlines, because he was suddenly out in the field. We worked through it.”

NBC students are characterized by being in the ministry, during the time they are studying. David is no exception. Dr. Scott shared that David “demonstrated a wonderful commitment to serving and ministering. I enjoyed having David in my classes. He was always insightful in his comments. One element I appreciated was the heart that he shared for planting churches in areas where there were service members.”

Dr. Steven Ruby, another one of David’s professor’s spoke of him: “I have had the privilege of getting to know David DeVee through our interaction both in, as well as, outside, the classroom environment, and find that he is a person who exemplifies the best in what makes NBC a special place, our students.

David studies diligently and serves faithfully as a follower of Jesus, while being deployed in the Army. I have found David to be a person who is Kingdom minded and ready to move wherever and do whatever so that others may come to know the Christ who radically changed his life. I am impressed with his interest in learning and growing. He is a student who is not looking for excuses or favors just because he is deployed, but he finds a way to finish his assignments with not just enough to get by, but rather with excellence and insights. The desire he has to engage in ministry and be innovative in ways to connect others to Christ is refreshing. God is using him, and he is certainly postured to be effective for Kingdom advance through his preparation at NBC.”

From the NBC Financial Aid department, Mrs. Jan Edwards wrote this about David, “My experience with David has been outstanding. Although he usually “flies under the radar” – which means that he follows the rules, does what needs to get done, and gets good grades, we rarely have a reason to communicate with him outside of our normal tasks.

In my view, he has always been conscientious to make sure he is on the right track, and we’ve never known if he was deployed or not, because he always makes sure he is online and keeping up with his course work. He is an outstanding student overall.

He is the kind of student we serve who is following the call, in spite of life issues.”

David DeVee is in the Pastoral Leadership program. Dr. Gary Haines, National Alumni Public Relations staff, corresponded with David. Here is part of a letter from Dr. Haines to David:

 “So nice to hear from you, and we’re so glad that the devotional by Dr. Church was a real blessing and source of encouragement to you! May this always be the case!

David, on behalf of everyone here at Nazarene Bible College, “Thank You” for your service to/for our country. Can’t begin to fathom all that you and your fellow service members are going through, and the sacrifices that you all are making on our behalf. Know that I pray for you all faithfully, and our colleagues here do as well.  May God bless you and your families for what you are doing, “Lord let it be so!”

As for not being able to take the phone calls, please don’t worry about this at all. Believe me, we understand. Just know that even when we don’t get a chance to visit with you on the phone, as you have stated, you are being thought about and prayed for. Thank you again for your service. God bless you my friend! We love and appreciate you!” 

And here are some words from David DeVee that speak hope to us at this time:

“Thank you for sharing this awesome devotional and word of encouragement. It serves as a reminder during this crazy season that God provides and is not fazed by a pandemic.

Also, I would like to add that I have noticed I have been getting calls from the school as usual. I am not ignoring them; however, I am active duty military and currently deployed. So, I can't answer my phone at this current time. It is good to know that you guys are thinking of and praying for us. God Bless.”

Published: 04/27/2020

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