
Expressing Thanks
Expressing Thanks

Encouraging Letter

I received the following email from one of our students. It is my privilege to pass along words of encouragement to you.

Dr. Graves,

I am a student with NBC, and I just wanted to reach out to you today. I can only imagine the stress you and each staff member must be feeling during this time. I would be lying if I said I have not been stressed and scared during this time. God has revealed so much to me about my character through this.

So today, I want to thank you! NBC has been a complete blessing to me. I was very nervous to start school a year and a half ago with you all. Literally, each person who I have crossed paths with during my time this far has been a complete joy. I appreciate all of your hard work to keep things running as smoothly as possibly for us. You genuinely care about the students and staff, and it sure shows!

I started with NBC when I had a six-month-old and my husband was deployed. If you know me, you know I have a very timid personality. From the moment I called to inquire about classes, I knew God had brought me to the right place. Everything that could have happened, happened those first few months, from being a new mom and not knowing what I am doing, to not having a vehicle because my car was totaled with the hailstorm, and my husband’s truck broke down, to having the water heater flood the house and more, yet NBC kept me afloat. I knew I was in the right place when Jan Edwards called to check on me after another hailstorm, because she knew I was alone during that time. Everyone is so incredibly caring.

I think we as students probably do not thank you enough for all that you do for us. I am praying for you and your loved ones during this time. My God bless you and protect you! Thank you for being you!

Pamela Gomez

I realize we are working in unparalleled times. To all who work at NBC, please know you are doing a great job serving God’s “called ones.” On behalf of hundreds of students, like Pamela, I say “thank you.”

Grace and Peace,  

Harold B. Graves Jr.


Published: 04/27/2020

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