
Holy Ground
Holy Ground

The Burning Bush

My first pastor was Pastor Harold Parry. He was friendly and kind, and he loved all people. He loved the Lord, and he communicated the love of Christ to all people he encountered. He liked to go to Dunkin Donuts in the mornings during the week to have a cup of coffee, eat a donut, and talk with the people in Dunkin Donuts. He was so friendly that he would get up with his own coffee pot, and go around to the other tables to fill up the other client’s cups with coffee, and of course, made conversation as he poured the coffee. His life shined with the light of Jesus.

I hope that we all have someone in our life that shines with the light of Jesus. Someone in our life that has shown the love of God to us. When we have needed comfort, they have been there present with us. When we have needed prayer, we could count on their fervent prayers for us.

When we have felt alone, they were there to listen, understand, and be by our side. They showed the love of Jesus, and we felt the presence of God in their lives.

In Exodus 3:1-5, we see Moses working at his daily job of taking care of his father-in-law, Jethro’s, sheep (v.1). These verses tell us of two very surprising things that happened one day. First, an Angel of the Lord, appeared to Moses from flames in a burning bush (v.2). Secondly, Moses noted that the flaming bush was not consumed by the flames (v.3).

Moses was curious and drew near to the bush to see why the bush was not burned up (v.3). And from the bush, he heard the voice of God, calling to him, “Moses, Moses.” Moses responded, “Here I am Lord” (v.4). Then God said, “Do not come any closer. Take the sandals off your feet, because you are standing on holy ground” (v.5). God’s presence was in the bush. God’s presence was with Moses. God was calling to Moses from the bush.

One of the books that has impacted me in my adult years is “Emotionally Healthy Spirituality” by Peter Scazzero. From a devotional in this course, came the following idea – The presence of God in us is like the fire in the burning bush. I see this throughout scripture.

Galatians 2:20 reminds me of Moses and the burning bush and Scazzero’s comparison of God’s presence in the burning bush: “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me…” We are burning bushes. We have the light of Christ burning within us.

Another verse that supports this truth of God’s presence in us is Romans 8:11, “And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because of his Spirit who lives in you.” God’s Holy Spirit is powerful in us; powerful enough to raise Jesus from the dead and powerful enough to help us live in a way that pleases God.

God’s flame in us transforms us to what God originally had in mind before the fall of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden – before sin entered the world (Scazzero). When we are saved, we receive the Holy Spirit, to live in us. The Bible says we are the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 3:16).

God is light and in Him there is no darkness (1 John 1:5). We have His light. We are called Christians – like Christ (Acts 11:26). We are made to be like Christ. The radiance of Christ shines in us! God is visible to others through His presence in us!  So, God’s plan for the Christian is to be burning for the Lord, filled with His presence, always.

The Apostle Paul prayed for every believer in Ephesians 3:19, “to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled to all the fullness of God.”

Going back to Moises and the burning bush, He looked, and the bush was blazing, yet it was not consumed.” (Exodus 3:2)

Like the burning bush that was not consumed by the flames, the Holy Spirit in us does not remove our personalities. The Holy Spirit molds our character into God’s likeness; those God-created personalities are made into the best they can be. The indwelling Holy Spirit makes us the best “Susan” possible, or the best “Larry” possible. The Holy Spirit in us transforms us to be more like Jesus every day, with the personalities God created us with. Those things in our hearts like selfishness, jealousy, bitterness, impatience, and greed, the indwelling Holy Spirit burns them up as we give those areas over to God to remove. With our past sins forgiven through the gift of salvation, we can live the rest of our lives in victory depending on the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit.

God said something more to Moses. “Do not come any closer,” God said. “Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy ground” (Exodus 3:5). This was a holy moment. God had a plan for Moses; God had a job for Moses; And God wanted to share His will with him; That is why the ground was holy; That is why, in reverence, Moses needed to take off his sandals.

There are moments in the life of every Christian when God speaks to us. And those moments are sacred. We value them because our loving Creator, God, shares His life with us His children. In those moments, we also are walking on holy ground. I have never been to the Holy Land of Israel, but God has spoken to me through the years of my Christian life. I am amazed and respond like Moises did when he wanted to go closer to see that marvelous flame in the bush (v.3)! I have felt unworthy to wear my sandals during such a special revelation.

When we are filled with the Lord, with His Holy Spirit, it is natural to respond, “Here I am,” when our name is being called. It is a privilege to be involved in God’s plans.

Remember, Moses was going about his daily routine watching his father-in-law’s flock of sheep when God appeared to him. So, let’s be burning bushes for the Lord. Be expectant of holy ground moments. and God’s presence in our daily lives.

Rev. Susan McKeithen, NBC Executive Assistant to the President and Spanish Ministry Pastor Kansas City First Church of the Nazarene

Published: 12/13/2021

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