
Your Daughters Will Prophesy
Your Daughters Will Prophesy

Wesleyan Holiness Women Clergy Conference

E2024 is a unique opportunity to connect with like-minded women clergy spanning many denominations. This is a place where you will be re-energized, reaffirmed, and re-ignited as you explore and live out our diverse callings.

The E2024 Conference entitled “Wesleyan Holiness Women Clergy - Your Daughters Will Prophesy.” This will be held on March 7-9, 2024, at the Hyatt Regency, DFW International Airport, Dallas, TX.

In Dallas, you will experience:

  • Powerful keynotes from gifted preachers and leaders, and speakers.
  • Spirit-filled worship that represents God’s global heart
  • Spanish translation of keynotes and workshops (with a Spanish-only workshop track)
  • Formative experiences like prayer spaces and interactive stations/workshops
  • Networking opportunities for connecting with peers, affinity groups and creating life-long friendships

E2024 promises to be a life-changing event for all who attend, and we want you to be there!

We know attending a conference can feel like a risky investment of time, money, energy and expectations. With each new opportunity you probably ask yourself, “Will it be worth all the effort and financial investment?” Please know that our conference planning committee is working hard behind the scenes to make sure every attendee finds what they need most at this event.

Website for more information about speakers and the event:

Women Clergy Conference | Engage. Empower. Equip

We look forward to seeing you in Texas, 

Rev. Soo Ji Alvarez

WHWC Conference Director

*This letter is taken from their advertising

Published: 01/11/2024

Archived News