
Submit your scholarship application soon!
Submit your scholarship application soon!

IBOE Scholarship Opportunities for 2025-2026

The International Board of Education of the Church of the Nazarene is now accepting scholarship applications for the 2025-2026 academic year.  The IBOE is comprised of twelve individuals representing the global Church of the Nazarene and functions as the global church advocate for educational institutions for the Church of the Nazarene, worldwide.  These scholarships are open to all Nazarene Bible College students, but they are awarded based on need and academic excellence.

Applications are now available online.  To begin the process, visit the International Board of Education’s login page at .

  • Select the “applicants” icon.
  • Select the “start a new application” link.
  • Choose your institution. Links to the eligible scholarship guidelines will appear so that the applicant can read them before beginning.
  • Required fields are noted with an asterisk (*).
  • The applicant must enter an email address and PIN number of their choosing. Create a 6-digit PIN, save your login credentials in a safe place, and click Continue. You will receive an automated email from within the next 24 hours with instructions for the next step in completing the IBOE scholarship application. Make note of the email address and PIN used; this information cannot be retrieved.  If lost, the user will need to start a new application.

  • Recommendation forms are submitted online. Please include at least three (up to five) email addresses for individuals you would like to complete an online recommendation letter.  They will receive an email from with a link to the form.  Paper recommendation forms/letters cannot be accepted.  It is suggested you notify these individuals ahead of time so they will expect to receive a scholarship recommendation form, via email, from the above email address. (It could, potentially, go to their junk mail.)

  • When the application is complete, check the “Submit” box, then “Save & Exit” and it will be submitted to the Financial Aid Office for consideration. If the application is found eligible, it will be completed and submitted to IBOE.

  • Once an application has been submitted to the Financial Aid Office, no changes are permitted.
  • Scholarship notification emails will be sent in April to the email address listed on the application. Every eligible applicant will receive an email.

Questions should be directed to our Financial Aid Office.  Please note:

  • The short written personal statement has a maximum of 2000 characters.
  • All Scholarship applications must be completed, along with three references, and submitted by end of day, Monday, February 17, 2025.

Published: 01/31/2025

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