Evangelism Conference at Nazarene Bible College
Hitchhikers Guide to Evangelism presented by Bill Easum and Bill Tenny-Brittian conference will take place October 14, 2009 from 9 am-4:30 pm, with registration starting at 8:30 am. The conference is sponsored by 21st Century Strategies and Net Results.
Bill Easum and Bill Tenny-Brittian will explore how to share the Good News in a postmodern world in understandable, practical, and effective ways. Based on the upcoming book of the same name, this conference will help clergy, laity, and congregations come to terms with the "E" word. The sessions begin with a reminder that culture has changed and the church is largely operating as if the community is what it used to be. From there, the conference explores how effective evangelism is changing (and must change) to reach the growing population of both unchurched and never churched.
The conference will help participants discover their own answer to the question "Why do evangelism?" as well as giving them practical tools for sharing their faith—not just a rehearsed evangelistic "plan," but real-deal experiences with Jesus. The final sessions include practical tools for pastors and lay leaders to develop a congregation full of evangelists.
Pastors Who Bring Four People Attend Free!
Seminar Details
Early Registration by October 1 is $85. Regular Registration is $95 (EBA members will receive the normal discount when registering.) Cancellation fee of $25.
Your registration includes workbook, breaks, two CEU's, and time for Q and A.
Special for NBC Students
NBC students wishing to attend, a special cost reduction has been offered. They may attend the seminar for $50.00. To receive the discount, use the code (student09) when registering for the event.
Ways to Register
- Register on line at www.easumbandy.com
- Fax: 361.749.5800
- Phone: 361.749.5364
- Mail: EBT, Box 780
Port Aransas, TX 78373
Published: 08/11/2009
Archived News