MPP Courses
MPP1211 - Declaring the Gospel of God
Course Description
A thorough study of public and personal evangelism built on the New Testament mission of the church, particularly as modeled in the Book of Acts. Evangelistic preaching, apologetic methods, revivalism, discipleship, personal soul winning, and follow-up are addressed.
Course Objectives
The following learning objectives will be achieved by this course:
- Discover and develop a biblical theology of evangelism.
- Develop a working plan for integrating the biblical principles of evangelism as applied by the Early Church into a culturally relevant model.
- Appreciate the roles of the Christian Scriptures, the Holy Spirit, human conscience, and community environments in the formation of an evangelism model.
- Learn how to transfer these principles through preaching, teaching, and engaging a congregation in the active participation of intentional evangelism.
The following are Competencies for Ministry as outlined in the Sourcebook on Ordination USA that will be addressed in this course:
- CP7 Ability to lead evangelistically through preaching, modeling and equipping others.
- CP8 Ability to lead in discipling and assimilating new converts into the Church.
- CX1 Ability to understand, appreciate, and work sensitively with cultures and sub-cultures.
- CX2 Ability to identify and apply the principles of cross -cultural communications.
- CX3 Ability to discern sociological dynamics, (including the power dynamics of gender, age and ethnicity) and to apply that information to specific ministry settings.
- CX4 Ability to analyze and describe congregations and communities.
Course Prerequisites
It is recommended that the following modules be taken before taking this module: Telling the Old Testament Story of God, Telling the New Testament Story of God, Communicating with Spoken and Written Language, and Exploring Christian Ministry.
Online Courses