MPP Courses
MPP1221 - Living Ethical Lives
Course Description
A study of the major moral theories of western philosophy with particular attention given to intellectual, cultural and philosophical influences. The course will include a survey of the philosophical task, the language of philosophical discourse, and treatment of several contemporary moral problems in light of the resources of western philosophy.
Course Objectives
The following learning objectives will be achieved by this course:
- State with clarity why a study of ethics is necessary and important for an effective lifestyle and ministry.
- Develop a working understanding of and comfort with the terms related to a study of ethics within a philosophical framework.
- Survey the historical and biblical development of philosophical and ethical thinking and application.
- Analyze the nature of truth and its source of authority as suggested in the approaches taken by science, philosophy, and religion.
- Appreciate the roles of the Christian Scriptures, the Holy Spirit, human conscience, and community environments in the formation of character.
- Identify and apply at least four models of decision-making to life and ministerial issues of ethics.
- Present by means of a discursive format a concise presentation of arguments FOR (Pro), AGAINST (Con), and a BIBLICAL PERSPECTIVE of three ethical issues in the Contemporary culture.
The following are competencies for Ministry as outlined in the Sourcebook for Ministerial Development that will be addressed in this course:
- Ability to reason logically for discernment, assessment, and problem solving. (CP5)
- Ability to apply theological and philosophical ethics to nurture faithful living in the Christian community. (CH1)
- Ability to discern and make ethical decisions in the midst of a complex and/or paradoxical context within a Wesleyan framework. (CH2)
- Ability to practice a moral pastoral leadership, informed by philosophical and theological ethics. (CH3)
- Ability to practice holistic stewardship (mutual submission in gender relationships, sexual purity, marriage and family, personal finance, professional conduct, practicing Sabbath, etc.). (CH8)
Online Courses