MPP Courses
MPP1601 - Pentateuch
Course Description
An exegetical study focusing on the historical, literary, and theological dimensions of the first five books in the Old Testament. Prerequisites: Introduction to the Old Testament and Biblical Interpretation.
Course Objectives
The following are intended learning outcomes specific to this course:
- Gain familiarity with the content (including outline, structure, and major themes) of the Pentateuch.
- Know the Ancient Near Eastern background related to the accounts in the Pentateuch.
- Comprehend methodologies and major interpretations commonly applied to the study of the Pentateuch.
- Understand the messages and theology evident in the Pentateuch.
- Recognize how certain themes in the Pentateuch find fulfillment and application in the New Testament.
The following are competencies for Ministry as outlined in the Sourcebook for Ministerial Development that will be addressed in this course:
- Ability to identify the literary structure, the theological concepts and main story line of the Old Testament (CN-1).
- Ability to describe the historical and cultural contexts of the major sections of the Old Testament (CN-2).
- Ability to exegete a passage of Scripture using contextual, literary, and theological analysis (CN-6).
Course Prerequisites
Introduction to the Old Testament and Biblical Interpretation.
Online Courses