Online Courses

Online Courses

BLE4654 - Group and Organizational Behavior

Course Description

A course designed to study group behavior and how group functioning affects organization effectiveness. Students develop strategies for efficient and productive group and task management. Implications for organization design, job design, and leadership are considered.

Course Objectives

Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

  1. Be able to identify social systems, organizational culture and the elements of managing communication affecting human behavior in the organization.
  2. Understand and use motivation in the organization.
  3. Be able to identify techniques for employee appraisal and appropriately reward performance.
  4. Understand the nature of leadership and followership through knowledge of different leadership styles.
  5. Be able to identify the nature of empowerment and its prerequisites.
  6. Understand the relationship between employee attitudes, performance, and job satisfaction, and to assess this relationship.
  7. Understand group dynamics.
  8. Understand teamwork and to possess team-building skills.
  9. Be able to describe the nature of change.
  10. Understand the role of stress in employee health and the extreme forms of stress reactions in the workplace.

Course Prerequisites

There are no prerequisites for this course.

Online Courses