Online Courses
PAS3043 - Christian Preaching II
Course Description
An application of homiletical principles and practices through preaching. Prerequisites: Christian Preaching I.
Course Objectives
The following learning outcomes will be achieved by this course:
- Distinguish the theoretical and spiritual foundations for preaching. (Analysis)
- Prepare and deliver biblically based sermons. (Synthesis)
- Integrate exegetical, hermeneutical, and homiletical skills. (Synthesis)
- Appraise the effectiveness of sermons of different types and styles. (Evaluate)
The following are Competencies for Ministry as outlined in the Sourcebook on Ordination USA that will be addressed in this course:
- CN6 Ability to exegete a passage of Scripture using contextual, literary, and theological analysis.
- CP12 Ability to prepare, and deliver biblically sound sermons using appropriate techniques and skills demonstrating cultural sensitivity.
- CP13 Ability to develop sermons in various forms (evangelistic, pastoral care, doctrinal teaching, lectionary, etc.).
- CP14 Ability to assess the strengths and weaknesses of current homiletical models in light of enduring theological and contextual perspectives.
Course Prerequisites
Online Courses