Online Courses
PAS4023 - Church Administration and Finance
Course Description
This course examines the role of the minister in relation to the organization and management of the local church. Special attention will be given to various aspects of local church finances.
Course Objectives
Upon completion of this course, students will--
- Understand the administrative and financial responsibilities of the ministerial role in which they serve.
- Recognize the foundational concepts, principles, and practices necessary to fulfill their administrative and financial responsibilities in an effective manner.
- Develop the skills necessary to implement these concepts, principles, and practices in their own ministries.
Course Competencies
The following are Competencies for Ministry as outlined in the Sourcebook on Ordination USA that will be addressed in this course:
- CN14 Ability to identify the directives of the Manual of the Church of the Nazarene that pertain to the organization and ministry of the local, district, and general church.
- CP2 Ability to oversee ministry using management skills including servant leadership, conflict resolution, administration, and team building.
- CP3 Ability to cultivate, cast and strategically implement vision.
- CP4 Ability to lead congregations in the biblical stewardship of life resources.
- CP21 Ability to manage and implement biblically sound church administration utilizing appropriate techniques and skills demonstrating cultural sensitivity.
- CP22 Ability to assess and implement contemporary approaches to administration in light of enduring theological and contextual perspectives.
- CH8 Ability to practice holistic stewardship (mutual submission in gender relationships, sexual purity, marriage and family, personal finance, professional conduct, practicing Sabbath, etc.)
- CX3 Ability to discern sociological dynamics, (including the power dynamics of gender, age and ethnicity) and to apply that information to specific ministry settings.
- CX4 Ability to analyze and describe congregations and communities.
Course Prerequisites
The Practice of Christian Ministry, completion of at least 96 credit hours.
Online Courses