Online Courses
SAR3624 - Doing Church as a Mission
Course Description
This course reexamines and defines the role of mission in a modern-day context. It will explore those dynamics and characteristics essential to relevant and effective mission, while presenting insight and skills necessary for the shaping of a contemporary mission model.
Course Objectives
Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Define mission in the broad context of the Bible and history, as well as a contemporary and future context (missional definition).
- Understand core values that are integral to effective mission and apply those values in present-day ministry settings (missional values).
- Understand the characteristics that are distinctive to effective mission and the cultural nuances of these distinctives, and be able to apply these in culturally varying denominational and ministry settings (missional distinctives).
- Define the "mission field" in a present-day cultural context, and identify and evaluate the opportunities for creative mission within that context (missional opportunities).
- Understand the qualities that are essential to effective missional leadership, and be able to assess those qualities within a personal context (missional leadership).
- Use insights gained from this course to analyze and evaluate past and present ministry models in order to shape his or her own missional model (missional modeling).
- Understand the role of visioning in determining mission parameters for a post-modern ministry, and be able to write personal and ministry vision/mission statements that reflect this understanding (missional visioning).
- Discern and interpret the vital signs of a healthy, missional-focused ministry and apply these to the assessment of a specific cultural or ministry context (missional assessment).
Course Prerequisites
There are no prerequisites for this course.
Online Courses