

Carla P.

N. Chesterfield, VA

I recently completed the ministry preparation program through Nazarene Bible College. I remember well the excitement I felt preparing for my first class in the fall of 2019. Little did I know what was coming just around the corner. Through the grievous loss of family members and friends, along with the shutdowns, NBC was there. The students and faculty members I engaged with online became a source of encouragement. We shared relevant experiences, prayed for one another, and cheered each other on. My advisors and professors extended grace when needed and offered advice to help me move forward in my coursework.

The Ministry Preparation Program provided opportunities to think through some new and often challenging topics. The curriculum and the online engagement with other students helped to bring clarity to my calling and to build my confidence in expressing why I believe what I believe.

One of the many ways NBC has strengthened and prepared me for ministry came through a personal phone call I received from Dr. Gary Haines. I was grieving the loss of my two brothers who both had died when I first began my course of study in the fall of 2019. I felt defeated and discouraged. During that call Dr. Haines expressed just the right words of comfort, shared Scripture, and prayed for my broken spirit. God has used him over the years to help lift me up when times were tough. He taught me that ministry isn’t all about what we know; ministry is about integrating what we know so that we can bring Christ’s love and care to hurting people.

Our call to ministry connects us to one another in ways that we may never understand this side of heaven. My experience at NBC has left a permanent imprint on my life. The high-quality curriculum, the knowledgeable and caring faculty and staff, and the spiritual, intellectual, and biblical engagement with other students have better prepared me for the harvest field. For this, I am eternally grateful.

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