

Mark F.

Grove City, OH

My name is Mark Fuller. I’ve served on the Board of Trustees for several years and always loved my time on the Board. I love Nazarene Bible College and what the school stands for. I represented one of our regions as a pastor for four years. I’m no longer the lead pastor. I always told my staff, your number one job is to work yourself out of a job, so I had to practice what I preached. My executive pastor is now the lead pastor, but I’m still on the staff, working with other churches and pouring into pastors across the country. I’m currently working with our Bible College. The president has asked me to help with a competency-based residency. We’re developing that, so I’m very excited about the prospects.

I'm a P.K. — Preacher's Kid. My father was a Nazarene pastor, District Superintendent. He served as the chairman of the Board of Trustees for many years at Nazarene Bible College, so the fact that I was able to serve on the Board is kind of a nostalgic thing for me. But I’ve served on many boards in many of our institutions. I must say, I love Nazarene Bible College the most because it is focused so much on identifying, training, and developing leaders in the church. That’s my heart and passion.

A lot of times, institutions are too rigid to change, but you know that culture’s changing very quickly now. Nimbleness and flexibility are very important. Nazarene Bible College has always had the ability to change what is needed in the culture. They've been flexible enough.

I think for a prospective student, it's so critical to be a part of an institution that has that flexibility, that sensitivity to what is needed to bring the timeless gospel in a very contemporary way in various cultural settings. The online delivery and other ways God is developing under our present leadership make for exciting days. I’m anticipating what God has for the future; the new Nazarene Bible College.

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