

Peggy S.

Jonestown, TX

My name is Peggy Stark Wilson. I’m from Texas. I serve on the NBC Board as Board Secretary and enjoy that position. It’s a lot of work, but serving this way is very rewarding.

My husband and I are both retired, but not really retired because we have a full-time ministry at a senior citizen’s independent living. We have service there on Sunday morning, and I teach a Bible study on Wednesday afternoons. Then we have a Bible study in our home on Thursday nights, and I teach a Bible study in San Antonio on Tuesday nights. So, we’re not really retired but are joyfully active.

It’s been a real privilege for me to serve on the Board of NBC. I’ve been Secretary with the Board for over 20 years. I find it to be a place of high spiritual privilege. It’s a great responsibility when you are working with an institution that is preparing people for ministry. NBC fulfills a need of the Church of the Nazarene that is not really filled adequately by any other institution. When adults decide to go into ministry, they need the best education they can receive. They will need people who can help them to the very best of their ability, and they need to know that their education is truly preparing them for the call they’ve received.

I am privileged to work with people who have received a call to the ministry and have gone through an assessment weekend with us in the South Texas district. One of the questions we ask them is, “Tell us about your call.” The call to ministry is just amazing; how it comes to people, of all different ages, in all different forms. But when it comes, if you answer yes, then you have to prepare. I believe that NBC is one of the very best places where you can prepare for the call of God to give your life to ministry.

As you’ve heard from the testimonials, NBC is the place to train for your ministry calling. We believe that there is only one body of Christ, which is why we welcome all Christians regardless of their denominations or affiliations. Just as Major Collins says, we speak one language; the language of the Kingdom.

As mentioned by Dr. Lacher, we’ve designed a fully flexible learning program that integrates with our student's busy schedules. Our goal is to make learning more accessible to our students and provide the best training to the next generation of Christian ministers.

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