

Phillip F.

Midlothian, VA

My name is Phil Fuller, and I have been associated with Nazarene Bible College for more than a dozen years, primarily serving on the Board of Trustees. And of recent, I’ve had the privilege of serving as the chair of the Board of Trustees. I am a huge fan of the work of Nazarene Bible College. Currently, in my “real” job, I serve as the district superintendent for the Churches of the Nazarene in the Commonwealth of Virginia. There are a hundred-plus strong congregations, and I absolutely love the privilege of working with churches during times of pastoral transition and in key moments for growth, and for helping them troubleshoot problems that come up along the way. So, it’s a joy, and I’ve been doing it for a long time.

Nazarene Bible College has been and remains an absolutely essential institution and body for the work of what I do in the Virginia District. We have been blessed there by a great number of pastors who have done some or all of their studies in preparation for ministry through Nazarene Bible College. One thing that is so consistent about Nazarene Bible College students is that they are passionate, they are fruitful, and they are faithful. That combination of being faithful and fruitful and then passionate about the gospel has produced a tremendous harvest. It’s just a real joyful spot for me to be able to have a connection, then, myself with Nazarene Bible College and to help promote it.

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