

Kelly C.

Kansas City, MO

My name is Major Kelly Collins. I’m the Divisional Commander of the Salvation Army in Kansas and Western Missouri. We have a wonderful relationship with NBC. We’ve had that for quite a while. All four of our territories of the Salvation Army: Western, Southern, Central, and Eastern territories, have enjoyed a relationship with NBC for many years in that way. In the Central territory, consisting of Kansas and Western Missouri, we started a relationship in 2007, and many of our Salvation Army officers who have been ordained have gained additional education through NBC.

Our territories and NBC share a similar language and similar goals. I have heard words this evening that ring true with the Salvation Army; evangelism, discipleship, mission, holiness. We speak the same language. We speak NBC’s language; you speak our language. It’s a privilege to be connected to NBC, and we look forward to a long further relationship and to working together in the future.

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