

Kelly K.

Iola, KS

My name is Kelly Klubek. I am an NBC alumnus. I graduated from the ministry preparation program, and I am currently a senior pastor in a small church in southeast Kansas.

It's all because of the learning and the time that I spent at NBC. There are a lot of memories I have of NBC. It's great to be able to recall some of the things that were taught to us and how some of the instructors would take time and just sit with you one-on-one and talk with you and work you through a problem or work you through a theological issue or other things like that.

To me, NBC has been an eye-opening experience. I didn't do very well in high school. And because of a few life choices, I came to Christ late in life. I started the MPP program through a really good friend of mine who got me involved. The thing that got me most excited was when I actually applied and got a phone call rather than a letter response. I got a phone call saying, "Hey, you're accepted." That's probably one of the most unique experiences that I can give from NBC.

Probably my favorite memory - and I don't remember which class this was - but Dr. Peter Lundell was the instructor. We talked a lot via emails and phone calls. Didn't matter what it was. He would sit down and talk and he would inspire me to continue to go. I was working two full-time jobs, I was working full-time ministry, I was taking care of an ailing in-law, and going to school full-time. There were times I wanted to say, "I'm done." But Dr. Lundell would say, "Stick in there. You're doing fine." That kept me going. Dr. Lundell's probably one of my favorite memories of NBC. Dr. Russom is another one. I got personal phone calls from instructors. It's a great experience.

To a prospective student of NBC: It is hard work. Don't get me wrong; it really is hard work. But it's very well worth the time and the effort. The instructors are great. They will take time to explain things to you. If you take the time to do the work, it'll be fine. It'll be fine. I went through all the work, two jobs, and all that stuff. I still passed. And it was great. Not only did I pass, but they helped me get better grades in each and every class I took.
To Dr. Peter Lundell: Man, you changed my life. Some of the things that you shared with me, some of the responses to my class work, were more than inspiring. They lit a fire inside of me and helped me to understand where I needed to go from there.

Dr. Russom: Man, those phone calls? Perfect! I mean, it's great to hear from someone and hear a voice rather than read it on paper. It's always great. So, I think both of you were an inspiration to me and I hope you continue to do it for a long time.

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