

Bill C.

Clarkston, WA

My name is Bill Carr, and I currently serve as a trustee to Nazarene Bible College. This is my second term as a trustee, and it has been extended due to COVID to 2023. I also served the Church of the Nazarene as a district superintendent for 15 years prior to my retirement in 2019.

Certainly, in my experience as district superintendent, I deeply appreciate the role that NBC has in helping prepare our men and women for ministry in our churches. I think they do an excellent job of helping them to understand the dynamics of what is required from the practical point of view as far as what it means to be a minister in the Church of the Nazarene, as well as academically in terms of being skilled in biblical presentation of the gospel theologically — and also to our Wesleyan holiness heritage that we have. I’ve found as a district superintendent that many of those whom I've called that have completed their degree through Nazarene Bible College have proven to be very effective pastors that have done excellent ministry in their communities and the local churches in which they’ve served.

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