

A Brief History

Nazarene Bible College was the first Nazarene institution of higher education to offer electronically mediated course delivery and has been offering online education since 1998. NBC continues to lead the way in offering courses available to anyone-anytime-anywhere in the world.

Successful Track Record

While the national average of those who begin an online class and finish it is only 47%, Nazarene Bible College has a consistent 94% completion rate average since 1998.

Strongly Rooted

All the online classes designed around the Good Practices for Electronically Delivered Courses are taught by faculty and adjunct faculty who possess both the appropriate academic credentials and the practical experience needed to provide the very best in ministerial preparation.


Students may participate in a class at times that are convenient for them (Anywhere-Anytime). Students may log in, view materials, and respond 24/7.


NBC has purposefully designed the online classes to foster a high sense of community. Classes are highly interactive with regular communication between the different students and between the instructor and students. The learning process is enhanced by the contributions made by the entire learning community.

Online Support

Active Online Student Body

Provides stats on students.
Gender Under 20 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 Over 60 Total
Male 3 83 124 158 101 63 532
Female 4 49 116 136 84 61 450
Total 7 132 240 294 185 124 982

Learn more about NBC's active student body