

Colorado Weather

Colorado Springs enjoys moderate temperatures throughout the year and is protected from harsh weather by two natural barriers: The Rocky Mountains to the west and the Monument Divide to the north. In June, the average high is 80 and the average low is 52. While the temperature will typically be quite comfortable short sleeve weather during the day, things cool off rather quickly as the sun goes down. You will want to bring a sweater or jacket along, especially if you plan to go out at night and/or take the trip to the top of Pike's Peak.

Current Weather for Colorado Springs, CO

73.9° F Overcast Clouds with winds from the West-northwest at 4.52 mph
  • Humidity 46%
  • Visibility 10000 miles
  • Sunrise 5:46 am
  • Sunset 8:23 pm
Light Rain
Light Rain
  • High 91° F
  • Low 69° F
Heavy Intensity Rain
Heavy Intensity Rain
  • High 82° F
  • Low 59° F

For a complete weather forecast visit Weather Underground.