

Congratulations to NBC's Winter '24-'25 Dean's List!

An extra round of applause is in order for those students who have made the Dean's list for Winter! Teri Lynn Beadle Timothy Aaron Dolin Abdiel Noguera Nathan Timothy North Katie Lynn Philbee Donald Karl Wilke …

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I've Never Been Good At Change

I've never been good at change. I've got to get that right out in the open. That was the first thing the spirit prompted me to talk about when my dad, George Privett, had one of those wonky board meetings. He sent a resume to every district in North America and got a call to come out…

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When God is Silent

When God Is Silent. What do we do when sometimes our prayers seem to go unanswered? There are many men and women of God in biblical times that questioned the often and seemingly silence of God. But today, I would like to share two verses of scripture taken from Psalm 35:12 and 13b. We find…

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God Sends Us for Life

Read Genesis 45:1-7 I have spent a great deal of time lately thinking about influence. Maybe it is a factor of the gray in my beard, but I have been wondering lately how many people I have influenced in my life. In my devotional time on Monday, I was spending some time being grateful. I try to…

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Continue Edifying in Christ

“So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers,  to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the…

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Save the Date for E2026

Save the date for Wesleyan Holiness Women Clergy's E2026 conference, February 23rd- 25th, 2026! We are excited to announce that we will be going north this year, to downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota!  We will be at the beautiful Hyatt Regency, which is connected to the city's skyway…

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Call to Holiness

During the summers of my junior high years in Springfield, Oregon, my father would take my brothers and me to the University of Oregon Hayward Field where “all-comers” track meets were held. Anyone could purchase a ticket, or number of tickets, to compete in various track events.

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Travel Far. Go Together.

The Twentieth Century Methodist missionary and theologian, E. Stanley Jones shared a very strong message that we enter the kingdom of God personally, but we live it corporately. That is essential. Salvation is, of course, individual. Christ calls each of us to a personal decision to make Him…

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Written in the Book

There's a verse of scripture tucked away in Psalm 139 that I know I've read many times, but I heard it maybe for the first time not long ago. The interesting thing is I heard it not while I was reading the scripture, but I heard this verse in my spirit not in a sermon or a Bible study. I…

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Building the Clarence and Roger Bowman Scholarship

Clarence and Roger Bowman are notable figures in the history of Black Nazarene Ministries. They have contributed significantly to the development of strategies for reaching Black communities through church planting and discipleship programs, and Clarence and Roger were both professors at Nazarene…

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