

Kelly C.

Kansas City, MO

We have a wonderful relationship with NBC. We’ve had that for quite a while. All four of our territories of the Salvation Army: Western, Southern, Central, and Eastern territories, have enjoyed a relationship with NBC for many years in that way.


Larry L.

Captain, NM

I’ve been teaching online for NBC almost since the very beginning of their online education. So I’ve had the opportunity to engage literally hundreds of NBC students — I’ve found that it’s a real privilege to engage the students as they come to NBC ...


Joe W.

Colorado Springs, CO

We believe NBC is a school of choice, especially for those who feel called, have felt called, as a second career, as a path. Maybe you’re thirty or forty, and you sense an uneasiness about ministry, and you’re trying to respond ...


John N.

Winslow, AZ

When I became president of the board at Nazarene Indian Bible College in Albuquerque, New Mexico, we established a special relationship with NBC. We were close, and we continued the relationship regarding student development ...


Donna A.

Lakeland, FL

what impresses me about the students — and why I would trust myself to send students there — is because the people who come out of there, the women and men who come out in ministry, almost uniformly say what a wonderful experience it was ...


Dan P.

Colorado Springs, CO

That’s just really rewarding to know that the things we are doing at Nazarene Bible College aren’t just things we think about in a theoretical way, but are actually something practical in a person’s ministerial life. That’s very rewarding, and I love that ...
