Ministry Preparation Program
A Clear Purpose
The Ministry Preparation Program (MPP) exists to prepare men and women for ordination as an elder or deacon in the Church of the Nazarene through a series of courses that earn one semester hour of credit each. NBC is approved by the Church of the Nazarene International Board of Education for training leaders toward ordination or commission in the ministries of the Church of the Nazarene. Completion of the MPP program does not guarantee ordination as NBC provides the required education for ordination solely in the Church of the Nazarene.
Ministry Preparation Program
Two variations of the program exist: The first is based on Nazarene Bible College’s 25-course ordination curriculum validated by the Regional and International Course of Study Advisory Committees (RCOSAC/ICOSAC) of the Church of the Nazarene as an approved curriculum for achieving ordination education requirements. The second variation is based on the Church of the Nazarene’s modular program, which is likewise validated by RCOSAC/ICOSAC. Students may choose which option they wish to pursue, pending the approval of their respective districts. Students should note that the individual districts in the Church of the Nazarene have autonomy in determining which courses fulfill the educational requirements for ordination. Students should consult with their respective district ministry board to determine what courses are required for ordination by that district.
Ministry Preparation Certificate of Completion
A certificate of completion is given to those who successfully complete 12 or more ordination courses at NBC (provided that the remaining required courses have been accepted as transfer credit). Up to 13 courses may be transferred from other colleges or through an Alliance District Training Center portfolio program. The MPP Certificate verifies that all ordination classes were taken and completed at a college level of instruction.
Program Variations
NBC Variation
Nazarene Bible College's 25-course ordination curriculum has been approved by the Church of the Nazarene for achieving ordination educational requirements. This program is also referred to as the Alliance program.
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Modular Variation
The Modular Variation is based on the Church of the Nazarene's modular program. Students should note that the individual districts in the Church of the Nazarene have autonomy in determining which courses fulfill the educational requirements for ordination. Students need to consult with their district ministry board to determine what variation for ordination is required by their district.
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Application Requirements
Each individual accepted into the NBC Ministry Preparation Program will be enrolled as an NBC student under the normal application qualifications and procedures.
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College Credit
One hour of college credit will be given for each Ministry Preparation course completed. All work completed will be placed on an official NBC transcript. Students wishing to receive more credit for approximately the same amount of work should consider the regular degree program.
Students will have full access to all NBC online resources. These resources include full library access as well as multiple electronic sources. These resources are not only valuable for educational purposes but provide help with other ministerial needs.
Time Requirement
In order to complete the required learning objectives and meet the competencies required for ordination, the MPP classes will typically require 15 to 20 hours a week of class work for the six weeks.
Earn a Degree
Upon completion of the Ministry Preparation Program (or at any time), individuals may enter the regular NBC online program and earn a Bachelor of Arts in Ministry degree.
Nazarene Bible College is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission (HLC), 2006 and the Commission on Accreditation of the Association for Biblical Higher Education (ABHE), 1976. Both the Regional and National Associations are members of the Council on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) and approved by the United States Department of Education.
There is one exception to the online course schedule. Each course will be six weeks in length, starting every seven weeks except SME 1232.
The course content is delivered over the Internet using a web browser. Lectures, assignments, and additional resources can all be accessed by logging in to the class.
For a list of MPP courses, please see Current MPP Courses
MPP Orientation
All students must take an online orientation class that ensures that all the technology is working properly and provides a demonstration of how the online program works. There is a $50.00 charge for this orientation, and it is offered approximately three weeks before each online session.
Students will have full access to all NBC online resources. These resources include full library access as well as multiple electronic sources. These resources are not only valuable for educational purposes, but provide help with other ministerial needs.
Students may participate in a class at times that are convenient for them (Anywhere—Anytime). Students may log in, view materials, and respond 24/7.
Students must be in attendance at least five days each week by posting assignments or notes to the class discussion area.
Students will be required to purchase textbooks for each class. These books will not only serve to enhance the learning in the module but will become a valuable personal library resource for future ministry. Textbooks may be ordered from the NBC Bookstore or any other book retailer.
Class Discussion
The class discussion format allows our students to participate on their own schedules with the requirement that the student must post five out of seven days of the week.
Time Requirement
In order to complete the required learning objectives and meet the competencies required for ordination, the MPP classes will typically require 15 to 20 hours a week of class work for the six weeks.
Instructors will qualify under the same requirements as all NBC adjunct faculty members. All online instructors receive extensive training in online teaching and are constantly monitored for quality control.
NBC has an office dedicated to providing support to online students. The eleven people in the office, plus those in other areas of responsibility are available during regular office hours 8 am to 5 pm (Mountain Time) Monday to Friday. Contact information for after office hours is provided to students, providing 24/7 availability.
Tuition Cost
Students taking Ministry Preparation Program courses receive a partial scholarship for one hour of college credit.
- Orientation Fee: $50
- Tuition: $238.00 per Credit Hour
Financial Aid
Other than the scholarship given for all MPP classes, no other Federal Financial Aid is available for MPP students. Students taking regular degree courses will often qualify for Federal Financial Aid that will make the cost for the three hour courses about the same as the MPP courses.
To provide a threshold level of education for completing the denominational course of study (COS) for ordination as elder in the Church of the Nazarene. NBC is approved by the Church of the Nazarene International Board of Education for training leaders toward ordination or commission in the ministries of the Church of the Nazarene. We also provide the NBC/Alliance and Nazarene Modular Program completely online for your convenience and at a cost that cannot be beat.