Safety and Security

Safety and Security

Safety and Security

Nazarene Bible College (NBC) is committed to promoting a safe environment in which all students, employees and visitors have a positive experience on our campus. NBC urges member of the campus community to be aware of the information provided on this page in order to support such an environment. Use of the resources provided on this page will enable members to promote safety and security on the college campus.

Nazarene Bible College responds to campus-related incidents and notifies local authority when necessary. It is imperative that all criminal and emergency incidents are reported to the security director or the Title IX coordinator/vice president for finance. Full reporting procedures are outlined in NBC's Annual Security Report.

Mr. Scott C. Laird

Mr. Scott C. Laird

Title IX Coordinator and Vice President for Finance

For emergencies dial 911.

Annual Security Report

Whereas as of June 1, 2020, Nazarene Bible College (NBC) is a distance education-only school which no longer has a physical campus and therefore students do not go to a physical location to participate in school except for the annual graduation ceremony, NBC is exempt from Clery compliance according to The Handbook for Campus Safety and Security Reporting, pp. 1-3 and 1-41.

Security Report

Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention

In compliance with the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1989 and Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Amendment of 1989, Nazarene Bible College clearly prohibits the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of drugs, alcohol, and unlawful substances by students and employees on campus property or as any part of campus activities.

Drug and Alcohol Abuse

Title IX Policies and Procedures

Nazarene Bible College adheres to the regulations established by Title IX of the Higher Education Amendments of 1972. Title IX prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in all education programs. In addition to ensuring an environment free from unlawful discrimination, NBC is responsible under Title IX to provide an environment free from unlawful sexual harassment in all of its forms including: dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, sexual assault, rape, fondling, incest and statutory rape. NBC has appointed the vice president for finance as the Title IX coordinator. Any questions regarding Title IX concerns may be referred the Title IX coordinator.

Title IX Policies and Procedures