

Cindy C.

South Orange, NJ

I’ve found that people involved with the school are very compassionate about helping find out where the student is at their level and helping them achieve their unique personal goals. And I would like to encourage people just to try one class and see ...


Bill W.

El Dorado Springs, MO

Even as a study board secretary and even though our district has its own group, I try to suggest getting involved with NBC to as many people as possible, both because of the quality of education at NBC and the knowledge that they’re going to get an education that’s going to be Nazarene ...


Kelly K.

Iola, KS

It is hard work. Don't get me wrong; it really is hard work. But it's very well worth the time and the effort. The instructors are great. They will take time to explain things to you. If you take the time to do the work, it'll be fine ...


Brian E.

Freeport, IL

I have the privilege of having a couple of people on my staff who are students of Nazarene Bible College already. They already enjoy their experience with NBC. I was able to tell them of the richness of the instruction that I received at NBC ...


Bill C.

Clarkston, WA

In my experience as district superintendent, I deeply appreciate the role that NBC has in helping prepare our men and women for ministry in our churches. I think they do an excellent job of helping them to understand the dynamics of what is required ...
