Alumni and Friends

Alumni and Friends

Information for Visitors

Nazarene Bible College is located in Colorado Springs, CO. By air, you may reach Colorado Springs via the Colorado Springs Municipal Airport (COS) or Denver International Airport (DEN). COS is located less than 7 miles from NBC and is recommended for travel. Please see the following links for maps and additional information on travel to and from NBC. For basic information on visiting Colorado Springs including, attractions, hotels and restaurants, see what is nearby.


Open Doors for Students

Money donated to the college impacts students in a variety of ways. For example, the cost of tuition at NBC is lower per hour than it is in many other private colleges or universities. A primary reason for this is the level of denominational support that the college receives, which includes money from the Annual Offering. Your donations also provide buildings and state-of-the-art technology for students. Learn more about donating.

News and Events

Learning Contentment

Thirty-five years ago, Jan and I were playing Nintendo on Sunday night waiting for her to go into labor with our first…

Communicator Posted Fri Jan. 24

IBOE Scholarship Opportunities for 2025-2026

The International Board of Education of the Church of the Nazarene is now accepting scholarship applications for the…

Communicator Posted Fri Jan. 31

NBC Will Be at M25 - Will You?

If you plan to be at the M25 conference, please be sure to stop by the NBC booth! There will be several people working…

Communicator Posted Fri Jan. 24

Students: Tax Forms Have Been Mailed!

Your 1098T is in the mail! Please watch your mailbox for this important document as these forms…

Communicator Posted Fri Jan. 31