MPP Courses

MPP Courses

Spring 2024-2025

Session B - Starts April 14th, 2025

Course ID Course Name
MPP1000 Online Orientation Starts May 5th
MPP1001 Telling the Old Testament Story of God
MPP1011 Telling the New Testament Story of God
MPP1021 Communicating with Spoken and Written Language
MPP1041 Interpreting Scripture
MPP1061 Practicing Wesleyan-Holiness Spiritual Formation
MPP1081 Examining Our Christian Heritage II
MPP1091 Exploring Nazarene History and Polity
MPP1111 Investigating Christian Theology II
MPP1141 Preaching the Story of God
MPP1161 Administering the Local Church
MPP1201 Communicating the Gospel in a Pluralistic World
MPP1221 Living Ethical Lives
MPP1241 Foundations of Women's Ordination
MPP1511 English Composition I
MPP1531 Introduction to the Old Testament
MPP1541 Introduction to the New Testament
MPP1551 Spiritual Formation
MPP1581 Western World and the Emerging Modern Society
MPP1591 Biblical Interpretation
MPP1601 Pentateuch
MPP1621 History and Polity of the Church of the Nazarene
MPP1641 Global Evangelism
MPP1651 Pauline Epistles
MPP1671 Systematic Theology II
MPP1691 Christian Preaching I
MPP1711 Philosophy and Christian Ethics
MPP1741 Church Administration and Finance
MPP1801 Introduction to Music Ministries
MPP1841 Foundations of Women's Ordination
PPM1141SP La Presentación del Evangelio en el Mundo del Pluralismo
PPM1161SP Teología Sistemática II

Summer 2024-2025

Session A - Starts May 26th, 2025

Course ID Course Name
MPP1000 Online Orientation Starts June 2nd
MPP1001 Telling the Old Testament Story of God
MPP1011 Telling the New Testament Story of God
MPP1031 Exploring Christian Ministry
MPP1041 Interpreting Scripture
MPP1051 Tracing the Story of God in the Bible
MPP1091 Exploring Nazarene History and Polity
MPP1121 Exploring John Wesley's Theology
MPP1131 Becoming a Holy People
MPP1151 Shepherding God's People
MPP1321 Providing Christian Education for All Ages
MPP1531 Introduction to the Old Testament
MPP1541 Introduction to the New Testament
MPP1591 Biblical Interpretation
MPP1621 History and Polity of the Church of the Nazarene
MPP1631 The Practice of Christian Ministry
MPP1681 Pastoral Care and Counseling
MPP1721 Exploring Christian Holiness
MPP1821 Foundations for Christian Educational Ministries
PPM1251SP Liderazgo

Session B - Starts June 23rd, 2025

Course ID Course Name
MPP1000 Online Orientation Starts July 14th
MPP1021 Communicating with Spoken and Written Language
MPP1061 Practicing Wesleyan-Holiness Spiritual Formation
MPP1241 Foundations of Women's Ordination
MPP1511 English Composition I
MPP1551 Spiritual Formation