Online Courses

Online Courses

Spring 2024-2025

Session B - Starts April 14th, 2025

Course ID Course Name
BIB1013 Introduction to the Old Testament
BIB2003 Biblical Interpretation
BIB2013 Pentateuch
BIB3053 Pauline Epistles
BLE4654 Group and Organizational Behavior
CEM3133 Adult Ministries
ENG1013 English Composition I
ENG1043 Classical Literature
GEN1001 Introduction to Online Learning Starts May 5th
GEN1003 Lifelong Learning Skills
HIS2023 The Western World and the Emerging Modern Society
MUS1013 Introduction to Music Ministries
OTR2033SP La Presentación del Evangelio en el Mundo del Pluralismo
PAS1023 Spiritual Formation
PAS2133 Foundations of Women's Ordination
PAS3033 Christian Preaching I
PAS4023 Church Administration and Finance
PHI3013 Philosophy and Christian Ethics
PSY1013 Introduction to Psychology
PSY1013SP Introducción a la Psicología
REQ1000 NBC Experience
REQ2000ccm Ministry Progress Review - CCM
REQ2000le Ministry Progress Review - LE
SAR3634 Social Aspects of Ministry
THE1023 Spiritual Formation
THE3033 Systematic Theology II
THE3033SP Teología Sistemática II
THE3614 Survey of Christian Theology

Summer 2024-2025

Session A - Starts May 26th, 2025

Course ID Course Name
BIB3053SP Epístolas Paulinas
BLE4684 Managing Change and Conflict
GEN1001 Introduction to Online Learning Starts June 2nd
GEN1003 Lifelong Learning Skills
PAS2023 History and Polity of the Church of the Nazarene
PSY4083SP Liderazgo
THE2013 Doctrine of Holiness
THE3624 Holiness and the Life of the Believer

Session B - Starts June 23rd, 2025

Course ID Course Name
BIB3053SP Epístolas Paulinas
ENG1013 English Composition I
GEN1001 Introduction to Online Learning Starts July 14th
GEN1001SP Introducción a Aprendizaje En Linea Starts July 14th
GEN1003 Lifelong Learning Skills
INT0020 Math Tutorial
PAS1023 Spiritual Formation
PSY4602 Orientation to Counseling for Christian Ministries
PSY4612 Capstone to Counseling for Christian Ministries